sorry for using English here, I don't speak German. I'm writing to ask if you've seen the http://www.openstreetmap.pl/wp/ project? (Please open in firefox only).
The goal of that project was pretty much the same and I think it has better coverage, so maybe we should cooperate. The Wikipedia overlay supports following tags:
* wikipedia=Title
* wikipedia=yes (this is often used in UK when name= value is same as page title)
* wikipedia:<lang>=Title
* wikipedia=<lang>:Title (this is a more popular form and it's more logical than wikipedia:<lang> because it doesn't suggest adding multiple languages -- we should not add multiple wikipedia languages to the same object)
* wikipedia=http://....
* url=, website= etc...
* flickr osm: machine tags
* dopplr,
* foursquare,
The advantage is that it translates wikipedia page titles to whatever language you choose by using the wiki interlinks, the full description of how this works is at http://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk/2009-September/042960.html
There are also more zoom levels, showing different features and some features show up as lines or polygons. Unfortunately the data is outdated (from early December).
The main goal of this project was to encourage people to use the wikipedia=Title tags as well as wikipedia=<lang>:Title
Maybe we should join forces?